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Academic Integrity 2 Responses: Not a Violation

confused face

Nice try!

Actually, though, this IS an example of academic dishonesty because it violates the core values of academic integrity: 

  • Honesty - the results you're providing are not true. You are presenting statistical evidence as facts when they actually have been fabricated. You should NEVER make up results. If you lose your results, apologize and reissue the survey.
  • Respect - making up results disrespects the target of your study. If you fabricated survey results, you are directly disrespecting the people you claim took the survey. If you make up data about an experiment, you're disrespecting the scientists/professionals in that field.
  • Trust - by making up results, you not only lose the validity of your assignment, but you also lose the trust of all the faculty who will teach you. Your teachers are aware if you have plagiarized or been penalized for violations of academic integrity before. They will not trust that the work you turn in is your own.  
  • Responsibility - you shirked your responsibility as a student by making up results instead of working hard to collect and retain the data.

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