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Academic Affairs - Lifelong Learning Program

This guide provides information for students and chairs on the lifelong learning credit program at the college. Students can review the eligibility, portfolio, and submission information. Chairs can review the evaluation process and rubric.

The portfolio for work/life experience credit consists of five sections: cover letter, resume, narrative that provides detailed experiences, and justification with documentation of work/life experience. 


The structure and content of the portfolio should take the following form:


Petition Cover Page. This page should be titled "Petition for Academic Credit for Work/Life Experience" 


Table of Contents. Identifying the “enclosures” that are being submitted to support the justification of the lifelong learning credits.


Cover Letter. Set forth the purpose and answers “the who, what, when, where, why, and how” relating to the request for academic credit based on life experience.


Resume. The portfolio must include a current resume that specifically supports the introductory letter and is functionally and organizationally related to the discussion in the justification.


Narrative with Detailed Experiences: Provide a detailed description of each course for which credit is requested. It is an embellishment of the short description found in the college catalog and must outline the nature of the course in terms of knowledge and performance objectives taken from the course syllabi that the student will be responsible for requesting from the program director or Admissions Counselor.


Justification and Documentation. This part of the portfolio must show how the student’s work/life experience relates explicitly to the course. Students must talk the language of the course and connect the discussion with appropriate enclosures that demonstrate the student gained the theoretical knowledge of the course by a combination of theory and practice. Diplomas, certificates, work projects, awards, two letters from supervisors, and other accomplishments are appropriate enclosures to substantiate the justification discussed in this part of the request. Identify these enclosures within the table of contents and separate them with tabs within the portfolio.


Course Learning Outcomes and Relevant Experience Chart. This document is to be completed by the applicant and can be downloaded with the application for LLL. This program will link the course objectives with the work/life experience being submitted. The document will further link the course objectives with the specific program objects within the discipline.