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MPS Organizational Leadership: MPS Capstone Project

Program guide for the Master of Professional Studies in Organizational Leadership

MPS Capstone Project: Start Early

The Library has many resources available to assist you with the MPS Capstone Project.  You should start thinking about potential topics for the project early in the MPS program.  See the "Narrowing Your Research Topic" box below for tips. 

If you have not done many large-scale research projects before, we recommend you check out one (or several) of the books listed below in the "Applied Research books & ebooks" box.

Narrowing Your Research Topic

A research topic must be both broad enough to allow sufficient research but still focused enough to not be overwhelming--this is the most difficult but also most important step of any research paper/project.  There are many resources in your coursework to assist you with this, but here are some basic tips:

1. Topic MUST be focused on Leadership, since the degree is in Organizational Leadership.  (If the degree was in music, you would not research a medical topic.)  If you can direct your research toward a topic relating leadership to your current employment, that is highly encouraged, but not all students are currently in that type of job/role.

2. If your current job does not spark any topic ideas, think about what it is about Leadership that has most interested you during the program.  Then think about how to narrow that idea to a specific type of job/position, type of leader, and/or type of leadership.

3. Consider the following MPS Capstone Project titles.  (These have already been used and are listed for example purposes only--you will not be able to select any of these for your project.)  Look at how they focus on several different ideas to create narrowed topics.

  • Developing Ethnic Minority Leadership Through Mentorship (ethnic/minority leader, mentorship in leadership, leadership development)
  • Women in Leadership: The Influence of Maternal Self-Efficacy On Daughters (women leaders, influence of mother/parent on a leader)
  • Is Transformational or Transactional Leadership More Effective in a Virtual World  (types of leadership, leadership in virtual vs. physical world)
  • Leadership Styles: A Qualitative Review of Styles that Can Improve Incident Reporting (specific job/employment focus on incident reporting)

Applied Research books & ebooks

Links to Library & Research Resources

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