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Office 365

How to use the tools available through your student email and Office 365, and earn badges in Office Technology

Word Shortcuts

Selecting words, lines, and paragraphs

  1. Double-click a word to select it
  2. Move your cursor to the left margin of your document just to the end of a line you want to select, and click to select the line
  3. SHIFT + → to select one letter at a time to the right
  4. SHIFT + ← to select one letter at a time to the left
  5. CTRL + SHIFT + → to select one word at a time to the right
  6. CTRL + SHIFT + ← to select one word at a time to the left
  7. CTRL + SHIFT + ↓ to select one paragraph at a time moving down
  8. CTRL + SHIFT + ↑ to select one paragraph at a time moving up
  9. CTRL + A selects your entire document



  1. Press HOME to move to the beginning of a line of text
  2. Press END to move to the end of a line of text
  3. CTRL + ↓ to move down a paragraph
  4. CTRL + ↑ to move up a paragraph
  5. PAGE DOWN moves down a page
  6. PAGE UP moves up a page
  7. CTRL + HOME to move to the top of the first page of your document
  8. CTRL + END to move to the bottom of the last page of your document


Find, Replace, and Go To

  1. Use FIND to locate a word or phrase within your document. For example, you can find every citation for Smith in your document. 

  2. Use REPLACE to find and correct an incorrect spelling throughout your document. You can also use it to replace one word or exact phrase with another. For example, if you used the title of an article for your in-text citations instead of using the author's name, you can find and replace all of the incorrect citations with the correct one...ALL WITH THE CLICK OF A BUTTON!
  3. Use GO TO to find a page, section, line, or other object in your document.


  1. CTRL + C to copy selected text or images
  2. CTRL + V to paste
  3. CTRL + P to print
  4. CTRL + N brings up a new document
  5. CTRL + S lets you Save or Save As
  6. CTRL + I italicizes (Ctrl + I again to un-italicize)
  7. CTRL + B bolds (Ctrl + B again to un-bold)
  8. CTRL + U underlines (but you really shouldn’t be underlining if you’re using MLA style) (Ctrl + U again to stop underlining)
  9. CTRL + D brings up the Font formatting box
  10. CTRL + F brings up the Find feature
  11. CTRL + G brings up the Go To feature
  12. CTRL + H brings up Replace
  13. CTRL + K to add a hyperlink
  14. CTRL + E centers (Ctrl + E again takes you back to the left margin)

PowerPoint printing and recording

For all options below, start with these steps:

  1. Open PowerPoint presentation
  2. Click the OFFICE button in the upper-left corner
  3. Click PRINT (in the library, the printer that should appear in the Printer Name field is Library-Student on SUMMFSPSV01)


Scroll down the page to find the following options:

  • full page slides
  • single-sided, 2 or more slides per page
  • double-sided, 2 or more slides per page
  • notes pages
  • outline view


Full page slides (double-sided):

This option is not recommended unless slides contain very small print that is illegible when reduced.

  1. After clicking PRINT, click Print One Sided
  2. Select Print on Both Sides - flip pages on short edge
  3. Click OK


Single-sided, 1 or more slides per page (Handouts):

  1. Under Print what: select Handouts
  2. Select the number of slides per page (3 gives you space for notes to the right of each slide, but you can print up to 9 slides per page) 
  3. Click OK


Double-sided, 1 or more slides per page (Handouts):

The environmentally friendly option!

  1. Under Print what: select Handouts
  2. Select the number of slides per page (3 gives you space for notes to the right of each slide, but you can print up to 9 slides per page)
  3. Click Print One Sided
  4. Select Print on Both Sides - flip pages on long edge
  5. Click OK


Notes pages (double-sided):

This option allows you to print one slide in the top half of the page, and any notes you have entered in the notes pane (the area beneath the slide when you are in Normal view). This option is useful if you are presenting and you don't have note cards.

  1. Under Print what: select Notes Pages
  2. Click Print One Sided
  3. Select Print on Both Sides - flip pages on long edge 
  4. Click OK


Outline view (double-sided):

This prints only the text of your slides, but not any background images or colors, making it a nice option to use if for any reason you are unable to print more than one slide per page. It prints the contents of one slide per page.

We recommend printing 2-6 handouts per page instead (see the Handouts options above).

  1. Under Print what: select Outline view
  2. Click Print One Sided
  3. Select Print on Both Sides - flip pages on long edge 
  4. Click OK


To staple:

You can staple using any of the above options.

  1. Click No Staples
  2. Select Staple Top Left 


For help printing in the library, see the librarian on duty!

For help with these options using your home printer, contact the library!

Save to a Flash Drive

Steps to Saving a File to Your Flash Drive:

  1. Plug the flash drive into one of the computer's USB ports.
  2. In the open document, click the OFFICE button at top-left
  3. Click Save As
  4. Click Browse 
  5. Click the Save in: drop-down arrow to select a location to save the file
  6. Locate your flash drive. It will have a drive letter next to its name, and will probably be named something like "Removable Disk (E:)." It may be easier to find the flash drive by first selecting "MY COMPUTER" from the list, and then looking for it among the available drives.
  7. Select a location (folder) on the flash drive where you want to save the work (this may be an existing folder, or you can create a new folder).
  8. If you are creating a new folder, name it and click OK.
  9. Click the Save button to complete the save.
  10. Close the document.
  11. Be sure you properly eject the flash drive by right-clicking the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the tray in the lower right corner of the monitor screen, and then asking to remove the flash drive. A message will tell you that the device can be removed safely.



Steps to Access a Saved File on Your Flash Drive:

  1. Plug the flash drive into one of the computer's USB ports.
  2. Right click the Start button in the lower left corner of the monitor screen and choose Open Windows Explorer
  3. Locate the flash drive. It will be one of the drives listed under "My Computer" and may have a name like "Removable Disk (E:)"
  4. Click the drive name to open the contents of the flash drive at the right.
  5. Choose the folder in which you saved your work.
  6. Once the file is open, you can save updates to the file on your flash drive by clicking the Save icon. (Save often as you work!)
  7. Again, be sure to properly eject the flash drive when finished.