The War Veteran (from Films on Demand)In this film High Ground by Michael Brown, eleven veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, the longest in American history, are invited to overcome the damage to their bodies, minds, and spirits, and climb the 20,000-foot Himalayan giant Mount Lobuche. As the film follows their training and climb, it also explores the illusion of health and the struggle to have less-perceptible conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder treated seriously. After the film, Dr. Heather Berlin, a cognitive neuroscientist and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, speaks with veteran Jason Hansman about traumatic brain injury.
Measuring Trauma (4:49); Hope for Survivors (4:26); Treating Trauma (7:38); Normal Response (7:57); Assessing Risk (5:09)