340 | Law |
342 |
Constitution and Administrative Law |
345 | Criminal Law |
347 | Civil Procedure and Courts |
348 | Laws, Regulations and Cases |
Not sure how to find the books on the library shelves? Click the link below to view a tutorial.
Try finding books, e-books, and films for streaming by doing a “SUBJECT” search in the library’s online catalog using one or more of the following subject terms:
law | Constitution United States | legal research |
criminal law | torts | dispute resolution law |
actions and defenses | Constitutional law | civil procedure |
The Library is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday from 10AM - 5PM and Wednesday from 1PM - 8PM.
If you need help from the librarian or need to access the library resources outside of those hours let us know!
Call or text 717-728-2500 or email Library@centralpenn.edu to make an appointment.
Remember the Learning Hub is also open with lots of great faculty and staff willing to help with tutoring, advising, and general questions.