The Central Penn College Library has dozens of books and ebooks on topics that could be useful for professional development. The items listed on this page represent both more general books (such as about organizing and time management) as well as a sampling of books from the more specific sections.
Please see the sub-pages (accessible by hovering over the 'Library Resources' tab, which will then show a drop-down list) for more comprehensive collections in several major categories.
Ebooks are accessible by clicking on the hyperlinked book titles (if you're off-campus, you might need to enter your single sign-on credentials). If you are interested in checking out a print book(s): stop by the library, email us (, or use our Book Loan Request Form. If you are based at the Lancaster Center, books will be sent down there. If you are an adjunct who does not live close to either Summerdale or Lancaster, we are happy to mail books to you.