This page contains videos of faculty presentations, either of their research (Faculty Research Colloquium) or on topics of general/historical interest. We will try to record all future presentations, however not all past presentations have been recorded.
Please see the Videos - Department Spotlights page of this guide for those videos, the Videos - General Topics page for topics relating to professional development of staff or faculty, and the Videos - CTE Sessions for Faculty page for videos of sessions designed specifically for faculty.
Navigating the Borders of American Identity: Willard Bean, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Quest for Acceptance, 1890-1920, Dr. Brant Ellsworth, August 7, 2019
The Social Media Echo Chamber, Paul Miller, February 6, 2019
Connecting Culture to Content: Topics in Ethnomathematics, Megan Rehm, December 5, 2018
The Haunted Hero: The Performance of Trauma in Jessica Jones, Dr. Melissa Wehler, August 8, 2018
Media Representation: Women, Work, and World War II, Judith Dutill, June 13, 2018
JFK Assassination...55 Years Later, John DeLeo, November 7, 2018
The Fist: Race, Black Power, and the ’68 Olympics, Faculty Panel Discussion, October 24, 2018