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Faculty Resources and Services: CP Books About Teaching

Learn about library resources and how to use them to improve your teaching.


See also: References in Culture of Assessment for resources specific to that topic. 




Planning and Assessing

Effective Teaching

ESL Resources

Experiential Teaching & Learning

Online / Blended Teaching

Plagiarism and Cheating

Inclusive Teaching

Finding books by browsing our shelves

It is easy to browse for materials to help you be a better teacher using the library's online catalog. Just use the keyword search inserting "teaching" . The online catalog will provide you with the titles of both the books that are physically on our shelves, as well as the many ebooks we have available 24/7.   Sometimes it is nice to explore what the library has by looking at our shelves. Books about education are found in the 370s section since we use the Dewey Decimal System. In this guide we feature just a few of our titles. The categories created here are Effective Teaching; Online/ Blended Learning; Plagiarism and Cheating; and Assessment of Student Learning.  Hover over the title of the featured title, and you will be linked to our catalog for more information.

Accessing the Chronicle of Higher Education

Do I have to log in?

If you are using the Central Penn network, you should be able to directly access the resource. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to log in using your Single Sign-On username and password. Contact the library if you have any problems accessing the resource.

Chat with a Librarian

Contact the Library

The Library is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,  & Friday from 10AM - 5PM and Wednesday from 1PM - 8PM.

If you need help from the librarian or need to access the library resources outside of those hours let us know!

Call or text 717-728-2500 or email to make an appointment.

Remember the Learning Hub is also open with lots of great faculty and staff willing to help with tutoring, advising, and general questions.