This journal covers the broad range of leadership topics and research worldwide.
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Search for articles using the search option below the journal information, or if the specific issue is known, you can navigate to it using the 'View all issues option'.
On the search result screen the green dot indicates that Central Penn has full text access to the article.
Results can be narrowed by using the fields to the left of the results list.
Click either the article title or 'download pdf' to access the article.
Select an article. To cite the article you can either build your citation from the information on the article page, or copy and past the information from the “Export” option at the top of the page. Click the Export button and select the “Export citation to text" option.
Even with the export option, your citation will not be in proper APA format! You will need edit it to be formatted properly.
Use the template below to properly create most citations for articles from The Leadership Quarterly:
Author's last name, first initial. middle initial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume#(issue#), pages-pages. DOI or URL
The citation in this case should look like this:
Foti, R.J., Hansbrough, T.K., Epitropaki, O., & Coyle, P.T. (2017). Dynamic viewpoints on implicit leadership and followership theories: Approaches, findings, and future directions. Leadership Quarterly, 28 (2), 261-267.
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