There are several different types of documents required after the internship is completed. The most important document is your Final Internship Report. There are slight differences in the report requirements between the associate and bachelor programs--see the specific pages listed in the navigation to the left for more details.
2 of the documents in this section are completed by your site supervisor--be sure to discuss the documents with him/her in enough time to have them completed before the end of the term.
Unless you make other arrangements with your internship coordinator, ALL documents are due by the end of the term when you do your internship. Even if you are only able to work part-time at your internship and do not finish your hours until Week 10 or 11, you still need to submit all of your documents by the end of that term.
Final Internship Report: The purpose of the report is to obtain an understanding of and appreciation for the total organizational structure of the company/organization in which you are receiving your work-training experience. You will also describe your overall experience as an intern there.
Final Resume: A final resume should be completed at the end of your internship. List your internship under “experience” in your final resume. In listing your experience, the most recent is listed first; therefore, your internship should be listed first. Your final resume must include your internship.
When listing an internship under your job experience section, remember to:
Thank You Letter: Write a professional thank you letter to your site supervisor. It should not have any spelling or grammatical errors.
Letter of Recommendation: After you have completed your internship, take the time to ask your internship site supervisor if he or she would provide you with a letter of recommendation. In the future, when you are looking for a new position, this letter of recommendation may be very useful. It also helps you know how well you did on your internship.
Confidential Evaluation of Site: This is your chance to critique your internship site.
Employer Program Evaluation: After the internship has been completed, this form allows the employer to provide feedback regarding the program of study. This form should be completed by the site supervisor.