If you have successfully registered for your Connect course but are having problems with it--please see below.
General Troubleshooting Tips:
- Connect does not always work properly with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Google Chrome is the suggested browser, but Mozilla Firefox and Safari should also work. You can download Chrome and/or Firefox for free on your own device. (Chrome and Firefox are already installed on all college computers.)
- Connect works best when used on a computer--some sections/features might not display properly on a phone.
- Depending on the speed/strength of your internet/WiFi connection, you might just need to wait for Connect (or different sections/questions) to finish loading. If Connect seems to take a long time to load, close as many other programs on your computer as possible when doing your assignments.
- Try refreshing the page, then try closing and restarting your browser. If neither of those work, try restarting your computer.
- Be sure to use the navigation buttons available in Connect itself and not your browser's back or forward buttons. Otherwise, you could get logged off of Connect, receive a "session expired" message, or a "session timed out" message.
- Contact the Textbook Coordinator by email at TextbookCoordinator@centralpenn.edu.
If you have tried the general tips above and Connect is still not working properly, then you should contact McGraw-Hill Technical Support at 1-800-331-5094 (and contact your professor).
- Be sure to ask for a case number for your call. That way your issue can be tracked--and you will have proof for your professor if a technical issue kept you from completing an assignment on time.
- You can also visit the McGraw-Hill Technical Support website and/or Connect Success Academy. From these pages, you can search their help topics/articles.
- Another option is to fill out a web form for someone to contact you: Digital Technical Support contact form