Program-level assessment is a cyclical process where various levels of the program are constantly being reviewed and if necessary, revised. Departments should work to create a departmental assessment cycle that aligns with the institutional assessment cycle.
Review the short video presentation below for a brief overview on program-level assessment.
To begin your program assessment, please see the process for reviewing your program mission statement and learning outcomes.
The program mission statement should be a concise summary of
An effective program mission statement will allow for the easy mapping of the program’s learning outcomes. The program mission statement should align with the academic school’s mission statement, institution’s mission statement, and the institutional learning outcomes.
Assessment Process
Departments should create an assessment cycle (three to five years) to review and revise the program mission statement and include the various stakeholders during the process.
Reviewing the Program Mission Statement
Each department will be responsible for creating, documenting, and narrating their process for reviewing the mission statement. When reviewing the program mission statement, departments should consider the following:
Revising the Program Mission Statement
Each department will be responsible for creating, documenting, and narrating their process for revising the mission statement. The department should use the information gathered during the review to begin the process and establish a timeline for revisions as well as a process for drafting, voting, and reporting on changes. Changes to the program mission statement will result in changes to the program learning outcomes, which will result in changes to the curriculum, curriculum maps, assessment plan, and embedded assessments.
Documenting and Reporting
Departments may want to create a specific ad hoc committee and assign a chair from within faculty to coordinate the documentation and reporting about the process.
Departments will need to document and report on the following:
When making a programmatic change, the program / committee chair should use the program review process created by the Curriculum Review Committee of Faculty Senate. All documentation should be submitted through that process for tracking and archival purposes.
Program learning outcomes (PLO) should be demonstrable goals for student behavior and performance and should include standards to measure these qualities. These outcomes should be grounded in the mission statement and easily aligned to the vision outlined therein. These outcomes should also align to the institutional learning outcomes (ILO) though they need not align to all.
Assessment Process
Departments should create an assessment cycle (three to five years) to review and revise the program learning outcomes that directly follows the assessment of the program mission statement. When conducting the assessment of the program learning outcomes, departments should include the various stakeholders in the process.
Reviewing Program Learning Outcomes
Each department will be responsible for creating, documenting, and narrating their process for reviewing the program learning outcomes. When reviewing the program learning outcomes, departments should consider the following:
Revising the Program Learning Outcomes
Each department will be responsible for creating, documenting, and narrating their process for revising the program learning outcomes. The department should use the information gathered during the review to begin the process and establish a timeline for revisions as well as a process for drafting, voting, and reporting on changes. Changes to the program learning outcomes will result in changes to the curriculum, curriculum maps, assessment plan, and embedded assessments.
When revising program learning outcomes, departments should ensure that the new outcome is measurable. Measurable outcomes will have the following qualities:
Measurable outcomes usually contain two parts:
When revising program learning outcomes, departments should follow best practices:
Documenting and Reporting
Departments may want to create a specific ad hoc committee and assign a chair from within faculty to coordinate the documentation and reporting about the process. Departments will need to document and report on the following:
When making a programmatic change, the program / committee chair should use the program review process created by the Curriculum Review Committee of Faculty Senate. All documentation should be submitted through that process for tracking and archival purposes.