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CTE - Assessment Workbook

This guide provides information, resources, and templates for assessing student learning outcomes at Central Penn College.


The assessment processes for student artifacts may differ according to discipline, but in general, departments:



The faculty involved in reviewing the student artifacts will want to determine a method for proceeding with the assessment. 


Faculty will want to consider the following as they outline their methodology:

  • What skills and/or knowledge are you measuring?  Why?
  • What course-level and program-level outcomes are being assessed? Why?
  • What was the process for selecting the course-embedded assessment? Why?
  • What was the process for selecting student artifacts?  Why?
  • What timeframe was selected for this assessment (one term, one year, etc.)?  Why?
  • What platforms were selected for this assessment?  Why?


The methodology section provides an opportunity for faculty members to explain their approach to assessment and to narrate the decisions they made.  


Once the faculty members have established a methodology for the assessment, they will have to determine an instrument or the tool used to obtain the evidence / assessment data.  The faculty involved with the assessment will agree on the appropriate instrument to evaluate the student artifacts and measure whether or not students are achieving the student learning outcomes being measured.


Instruments for assessment may include:

  • Surveys 
  • Standardized tests or exams
  • Scoring guide or normed rubric
  • Portfolio of student work