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Blackboard Basics Guide

Coursework Folders

The Standard Course Template includes a model folder that contains a structure for you to customize with information and activities for your students.  While on-ground courses are not required to have weekly folders set up, this can be helpful for both students and faculty as the folders provide electronic access to course materials and / or activities.  For example, in an on-ground course you might have students submit a paper copy of an assignment, or you could have students upload a file electronically to a Blackboard assignment instead. 

The model folder can be copied to use as a starting point for developing each week of the course.  

The outside of the model folder includes:

  • Week # | Topic | Dates
  • Objectives
  • Graded Activities

Having this information on the outside of weekly folders gives students an easy way to scan the course to see what's coming up or to find information they want to go back to review. 

Here is an example of the outside of a weekly folder:

Inside each weekly folder you will include a checklist, an overview and objectives, and materials and activities for the week provided in a sequential order.  This helps students understand what they will be doing and why before starting through the materials and activities for the week. 

Here is what you will find inside the weekly model folder:


You will learn more about working with folders in the Coursework Content portion of this course.